Access clinical experience that will shape your career

Want to get story-worthy clinical experience in an overseas healthcare system? You need to travel with an organisation like Work the World that has long-standing partnerships and in-person relationships with local hospitals.

The moment you step foot on the wards, you'll immediately see how familiar your in-country team is with everyone in your placement hospital. From staff on the wards right the way up to the hospital directors.

Get an Immersive hospital placement that suits you

Bunny CDN poolChoose the kinds of hospitals you want to experience, the departments you want to spend time in, and the shift patterns you want to do.

Nights in a teaching hospital? No problem. A week in a tertiary referral centre? Done. You can even choose how you split your time between departments.

Your department choices will be guaranteed once you've registered. But that isn’t to say they’re fixed — your in-country team can help move things around while you're overseas.

You get this kind of access and flexibility only because we have unique partnerships with local hospitals — not something that most elective providers can say.


Get multi-layered supervision focused on you

Bunny CDN poolYou get specifically-assigned supervisors for the duration of your placement, guaranteed.

Your supervisors are highly-qualified senior members of staff. And many of them have travelled to study abroad.

Your supervisors speak English too. If you need to ask complex clinical questions, your supervisors can give you detailed answers.

Your in-country team will brief your supervisors long before you arrive. This gives them a strong understanding of your skill level. So, when you get to the hospital you can start getting experience straight away.

Discover more

mutually beneficial relationships

We build partnerships from the ground up with mutual benefit as a core requirement. Everyone from individual department staff to hospital directors helps these partnerships take shape.

Equipment donations: Our close partnerships with local hospitals give us an understanding of their resource shortages. This helps us build up a picture of how we can help fill equipment gaps where we can.

Monetary donations: Our most recent partner hospital donation total was over half a million dollars. We achieved this by putting aside a fixed amount for each of our partner hospitals for every student they hosted.