by Work the World

Clinical Experience

You can undertake an overseas elective tailored to your nursing branch — adult nursing, child nursing, learning disability nursing and mental health nursing placements are all available.

If your university course combines branches, we can offer you a broader nursing placement. Some universities even let you go ‘off branch’ for your elective placement. If any of the above apply to you — or even if you’ve already graduated — we can offer a placement tailored to your clinical interests.

You can customise every aspect of your overseas elective with help from our experts. Whether you want to spend one to ten weeks overseas, we guarantee to build you a once-in-a-lifetime overseas nursing placement.

Which Work the World destination is best for my branch of nursing?

The simple answer? All of them.

We handpick every country, hospital, and overseas team member who works for us. We control the fine details, meaning you have the best overseas experience.

All you need to do is to decide where you want to go.

Our experts know our destinations and hospitals inside and out. So, if you’re struggling to decide what you want to do outside of placement -  like hiking in the Himalayas, going on Safari in the Serengeti, or enjoying some rest on white-sand beaches - our team will help you decide.


What do our nursing placements look like branch by branch? 

Imagine yourself in a hospital in the developing world, learning how local culture, customs and resource shortages affect how nurses care for patients. You'll quickly discover that the 6Cs are a luxury we take for granted.

You’ll also see local nurses improvising clinical techniques on the spot. And you’ll see patients with conditions you’ve only read about, like malaria and dengue fever.

Compared to the NHS, you’ll see significant clinical differences on our nursing placements.

Here’s what you might see, branch by branch:

Adult Nursing Placements

  • Families providing bedside care, including manual ventilation
  • A lack of patient privacy, including multiple patients in a bed
  • Traditional herbal medicine is often used in place of modern techniques
  • Back-to-basics care like manual intubation (without analgesia)
  • A lot of ‘disposable' equipment is sterilised and reused

Child Nursing Placements


  • A more significant number of malnourished children than you'd see in the UK
  • High numbers of children with severe burns
  • Overcrowded paediatric wards with limited staff numbers
  • Increased instances of neonatal sepsis
  • Families required to supply children's equipment like saline and bandages

Mental Health Nursing


  • Some countries are decades behind the UK in terms of awareness and practise
  • Extremely under-resourced psychiatric departments
  • There is a lot of social stigma around mental illnesses
  • Consultations often take place in front of other patients
  • A widespread use of ECT under general anaesthetic 

Learning Disability Nursing

Social Media - Katie Harper

  • Under-resourced Special Educational Schools
  • A more significant stigma around disability than you’re used to at home
  • Religious beliefs have a significant influence on care
  • Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Down's syndrome are all treated differently when compared to the UK

Nursing abroad allows you to share the skills and knowledge from your country and culture with equally dedicated nurses abroad. Better still, it works both ways; if you keep an open mind, you could pick up techniques to help you in your learning and career objectives.

We’d love to show you what your personalised nursing elective trip could look like.

You tell us which destinations and departments you’re interested in — we'll then paint you a picture of what your trip will look like.

We can tailor the placement just for you, whatever nursing branch you’re studying and whatever you want to experience.



Make sure you secure your spot before the dates you want fill up. Start by learning more about our overseas nursing electives.

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