by Work the World

Travel Experiences

Electives have been part of the healthcare curriculum for over forty years and are often the highlight of the undergraduate experience for students across the globe. The chance to experience a tropical climate and the clinical challenges that come with it makes for an exciting alternative to the familiar ward rounds and procedures a placement at home might bring.  

What most students struggle with, however, is finding appealing medical elective ideas and deciding where to go.

You might feel overwhelmed by the scope of destination choices, or you might feel stuck choosing between the wide range of departments, clinics, community opportunities, and rural healthcare experiences we offer.

River Amazon, Peru

FIND balance

Every destination we work in has a unique blend of culture, specific environmental and social factors, and a nuanced healthcare system.

Because of this, it’s worth getting to grips with what the destination can offer regarding travel and culture and what to expect on the clinical front. Our team of experts has travelled extensively and knows each hospital intimately, possessing all the information you’ll need to make an informed, well-rounded decision about the best place for your medical elective.

Get specific

Our team also know which destinations lend themselves to certain fields.

Take Sri Lanka, for example. Although the civil conflict ended nearly a decade ago, its ripples are still present in the lives of those affected. A large number of amputees seeking specialist help in our partner hospital in Kandy has resulted in departments catering specifically to their needs. This also means it’s an opportunity for those studying or practising physiotherapy or occupational therapy to get experience working in rehabilitation.

It’s worth discussing your options with those who know these specifics (us) and how to translate them into a reality (us again!).

List your goals for the future

Maybe you’re a radiography student who wants to familiarise yourself with darkroom practices or a medical student contemplating a future in anaesthetics. Either way, your goals and ambitions are important in defining your future. These are of the utmost importance when choosing your destination, so we put these among the most important factors when tailoring your placement.

Go beyond the limits of your comfort zone

Dentistry Elective in Dumaguete, the Philippines

Choosing a destination where you can encounter unfamiliar ailments, diseases, and conditions can be daunting. But you'll reap the benefits by putting yourself out there.

Village Healthcare Experiences

With the Maasai guides on the Village Healthcare Experience

Every placement we organise has an optional Village Healthcare Experience week. While you shouldn’t base your destination on these alone, they're a highlight for anyone undertaking them. You’re unlikely to experience this level of cultural immersion ever again. Reading reviews and stories from students who have tried a Village Healthcare Experience is a great place to start getting to grips with the options.



This goes without saying, but by picking a destination in a part of the world you’re unlikely to visit again or haven’t before, you’ll be more inclined to make the most of every moment. You might also want to add extra travel time before or after your placement. It's worth researching the travel opportunities in the areas our programmes are based so you can get a good idea of things you'll be able to do and see. 

Last, you need to consider what appeals to you regarding your destination. Are you hungry for adrenaline? Want to be awed by ancient history? Would you feel more at home in a rural town than in a busy city? Knowing yourself and what type of environment will inspire you to work to your best ability is key.

Work the World organises medical electives in Africa and Asia. A full list of our programmes can be found here

Whichever destination you pick, one truth always remains—we’re here to help you every step of the way. Whether it’s by phone or email, our team of expert Elective Consultants has extensive knowledge of all our programmes—both inside the hospital and out. To talk to us, fill out the short enquiry form.

Or, choose your discipine: Medical | Nursing | Midwifery | Physiotherapy | Pharmacy | Paramedic Science | Dentistry | Radiography | OT | Biomedical Science

What healthcare disciplines do Work the World cater for?

Work the World organise supervised healthcare electives for the following disciplines: - 1. Nursing (all branches - Adult Nursing, Child Nursing, Mental Health Nursing and Learning Disability Nursing) 2. Medical 3. Midwifery 4. Physiotherapy 5. Radiography 6. Pharmacy 7. Dentistry 8. Occupational Therapy 9. Paramedic Science

What are the benefits of elective placements from Work the World?

The benefits of a a Work the World elective include:

  • Getting invaluable clinical experience in the field
  • Making yourself more attractive to employers
  • Building your professional network
  • Doing some proper travelling

How long is a Work the World elective?

An elective is as long as you want it to be. Our minimum placement duration is one week, but students typically travel on their electives for 4-6 weeks. There is no upper limit to how long you can travel for. Read more.

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